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Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry

Alcatel Lucent

The collaboration with Alcatel Lucent (France) went on with the postdoctoral position of Chandramani Singh, funded by the Alcatel–Lucent/Inria joint lab. This materilized into two publications on the game theoretic analysis of Spatial Aloha, including one paper to appear in the Proceedings of Infocom'14.


The collaboration with Qualcomm (USA) led to a new line of research on the analysis of MAC protocols in Vehicular Networks. This materilized into a publications on the analysis of CSMA in dense Vehicular Networks that appeared in the Proceedings of IEEE Infocom'13, and in the hiring of Tien Viet Nguyen in the team of T. Richardson at Qualcomm NJ.

CIFRE Orange

PhD: Miodrag Jovanović

supervisorss: Bartek Błaszczyszyn, M.K. Karray

CIFRE Technicolor

PhD: Mathieu Leconte

supervisors: Marc Lelarge, Laurent Massoulié

title: Load-balancing and resource-provisioning in large distributed systems